Why LED Light Buzzing?

Why LED Light Buzzing?  

LED lights are one of the most energy efficient ways to illuminate your home. In addition to being long lasting (experts say they can last for more than a decade before they need replacing), LED lights can either produce brighter or dimmer lights depending on what you need. Unfortunately, LED bulbs can sometimes make buzzing, beeping, humming or whistling sounds. They not only annoying and irritating but can also get on your nerves, especially when you’re trying to concentrate on something important. No matter you are using recessed lights, bulbs, or track lights, they may be susceptible to buzzing if they are LED. What could be the issue? Let’s look at the causes and corrective actions.

Is Buzzing an Indication of Defectiveness?
Generally, the buzzing noise in LED lights isn’t an indication of a defect. Instead, it’s a common problem that can be caused by various conditions. That’s why not all LED make the annoying buzzing noise. Again, it’s important to note that the buzzing noise can occur with LED bulbs, whether they’re of low quality or high quality.

The main reason Inappropriate Dimming Set-up
The switching power supply is used to generate and regulate the operating voltage for the lights. Generally, switches contain a small transformer, as well as other things that help transform the voltage. They also contain coils or chokes to help avoid the unintentional generation of EM energy, as well as for the transitional storage of power.

You may still be using switches that are designed for traditional lights and bulbs, which typically range between 200W and 1,000W. On the contrary, LED requires switches that generate 110V and may need as low as 9W! While this may be quite surprising, it’s actually one of the main reasons why LED are considered the most energy-efficient lights.

Here’s a perfect example: using a dimmer switch that’s designed to use CFL or incandescent lights of 40W or more may come up short when used on a 9W LED bulb.

With that in mind, your LED lights will make the annoying buzzing noise if the power released from the switches is at 230V. In short, incompatible switches will make inconstant voltages to run through the it, thereby causing buzzing noise. It’s fundamental to note that this issue may not affect other types of bulbs such as incandescent and halogens since they are structured to maintain sufficient heat to cover these brief voltage gaps, something that’s not possible in LED.

The solution
Change to LED dimmer if your dimmer is not design for LED lights.  If you already have a LED dimmer, than the problem is the LED lamp maybe not dimmable or not compitable with the dimmer.
You need to use a dimmable LED lights instead of non-dimmable LED lamp.